Page 3 of 365 :: 1st Saturday of 2015
Happy Saturday!!! It's the first Saturday of the year! What are you doing to celebrate the first weekend of the year?
The little furball, Bijou, was in need of a workout. We decided to trek out to the local school yard to have him run his crazies out. And, we enjoyed the setting sun as the dog and the little one played around in the grass.
Since, it's been flu/cold season, the little one has been a victim of having a runny nose. I came across this article from Moms and Crafters that makes me feel that I've been wiping the little one's nose the wrong way. We use the soft Kleenex to wipe the little one's nose since she never liked the Boogie Wipes.
I also came across this article from Love, Play and Learn. It is a wonderful read for daddies to their daughters.
The other thing that we've been playing catch-up on is watching Orphan Black. It is television series that raises both moral and ethical implications of human cloning. It focuses on Sarah Manning, a woman who assumes the identity of one of her clones, and discovers along the way her many other clones.
Until, next time!!!
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