Since becoming a parent, our lives has completely changed for the better. The little lady is now walking and practically running that we have gone to many parks in our area. One of our favorite parks to go to is Mariposa Park in Mountain View. When translated, it means butterfly park and it is beautiful. The whole park is themed with butterfly decor. The whole decor reminds me of Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
It gets some shade, depending on what time of the day you decide to go. This is where the little lady discovered that she loves going down slides! They have two play structures: one for toddlers and for slightly older children. The park has grass on the surrounding areas but has the cushion for where the kids play.
The two play structures: on the left, for the toddlers and on the right, for older children. |
Sitting area near the playground that is shaped like a caterpillar. |
Swing set! |
A close-up of the older children's play structure. |
Until, next time!!!
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