Tricksy Thursdays

'Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.'
- Ernest Hemingway

Happy Thursday everyone! 

Let's focus on comfort while traveling. Today, we are on our way down to visit family and friends and we are driving down. I'm excited to see everyone but I am not looking forward to the long drive down. 6 hours. And, almost 29 weeks pregnant. Granted, it was only a few weeks ago that the hubby and I flew to Hawaii and that flight was 5 hours. But, I was 26 weeks along then and now... The little one is growing week by week. 

Here are some ways to travel comfortably:

Sweats, yoga gear... anything with stretch!

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Drapey dresses!

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Again, drapey tops and if you can still fit into your jeans, go ahead and do so!

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Until, next time!


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