New Age
Do you recall how annoying a song can be especially if it keeps playing over and over in your head? And, you just can't get it out? Or, rather when you do get it out, somehow, it comes on the radio. Such is life. But, I LOVE the times when a song gets stuck in my head and the melody is just- perfect! I can listen to it over and over again.
This is how I feel towards this song by Marlon Roudette "New Age." I first heard it when my husband and I were on vacation in Switzerland, when my cousin would play it on the piano and the notes would just gr ab at you and want you to stop and listen. Now, ever since we got back stateside, I've looked high and low on youtube for the song. I could only remember the melody and part of the title, so it took me awhile. But, what a great feeling it was to find it. And to listen to it, again and again.
The song is uplifting in its notes and melody. The words, great.
Take a listen to New Age.
P.S. Marc, I will learn how to play this on piano as well once I find a piano score. ;)